Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group
by Lucille Proulx
Art therapist Lucille Proulx explains how to facilitate and enhance two-way communication between parent and child. 
This video demonstrates how Proulx conducts a session with parent-child dyad groups. Each session shows art work made by four or five parent and child dyads in a group and follows the process of interaction and communication step by step, focusing on shared meaning and on the creation of symbols and metaphors. Proulx explains different parent-child interactions, according to age and pathology, and following the stages of functional emotional readiness, according to Greenspan.
In Depth
This video demonstrates how Proulx conducts a session with parent-child dyad groups. Each session shows art work made by four or five parent and child dyads in a group and follows the process of interaction and communication step by step, focusing on shared meaning and on the creation of symbols and metaphors. Proulx explains different parent-child interactions, according to age and pathology, and following the stages of functional emotional readiness, according to Greenspan.

This video was formerly included in the Expressive Media Arts Therapies Films Collection distributed by Expressive Media Inc.

Length of video: 1:17:24

English subtitles available

Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-680-3

Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-680-6

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