Thank you for your interest in writing for, an online magazine visited by over 60,000 readers each month from over 150 countries. We publish articles that engage psychotherapists personally and professionally and are seeking original pieces that take fresh perspectives on new and traditional ideas.


Guidelines for Submitting Articles to



Articles that we publish include stories that integrate professional and personal themes, and psychotherapist personal essays. We hope you’ll write about whatever you’re most passionate about, but if you need inspiration, here are a few topics that we would be interested in:
  • Race and racism in clinical practice and clinical settings
  • Ethnicity, religion, culture
  • Dispatches from therapy practices around the globe
  • Current issues in addictions: gambling, internet, sex & love
  • Mindfulness and psychotherapy
  • Group therapy
  • Eating disorders
  • Therapist burnout
  • Mandated clients
  • Supervision: giving and receiving
  • Bipolar disorder, ADHD, and other “popular” diagnoses
  • Medication and psychotherapy
We welcome contributions from a wide range of theoretical, psychological and psychotherapeutic perspectives. We also occasionally publish relevant book chapters and poetry.

Writing Guidelines

We are seeking writing on psychotherapy that is relatively free of jargon, more conversational, often using a story-telling format that includes case vignettes. We look for writing styles that are informal, yet professional, including the use of first person, and in an active voice (in other APA style). We are especially interested in articles that include the experience of the therapist. Most of the articles we publish are about 4000 words, but we do accept briefer articles of about 2000 words, as well as longer articles up to 8000 words. Photos and other material that enhance the quality of the material are welcome. References to research, studies, and sources may be relevant to your piece, but please use only when necessary and avoid extensive literature reviews. Note that we use footnotes for citations rather than references, and these should be used only when absolutely necessary, and kept to a minimum. Before you submit to us, we strongly encourage you to look through our articles section at to get a flavor for the various styles we publish. 

Confidentiality and Ethics

Names and identifying information of all clients mentioned in case material should be sufficiently changed to protect their confidentiality and privacy in accordance with respective professional association guidelines for counselors, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. Please check with us regarding questions for disguising client identities and confidentiality concerns. All works should abide by the ethical guidelines of respective professional organizations as well.

Articles and works published on are copyrighted by with exclusive publication and full distribution rights. We do occasionally publish works previously published elsewhere with appropriate permissions. Authors may retain permission to publish the piece in print format, with reference to publication in

Articles will often be selected as continuing education courses on as well, which gives a wider readership. Each article that is published on will have a publication date located at the end of the article for those wishing to cite the article.


We are seeking bloggers to write on any topics related to psychotherapy and counseling.  These could pertain to particular populations or modalities, or the business of psychotherapy, or a day in the life of a grad student (or early career therapist, or late career therapist, or....your imagination is your limit); It is nice to have a them to your blog, but you don't need to stick to a particular topic. Blogs should be written in an informal style, certainly lively, perhaps even punchy!  Take a look at a few samples by bloggers Anastasia Piatakhina GireHoward Rosenthal, Tony Rousmaniere, and John Marzillier to get an idea of what we're looking for. Blogs should be typically between 300 and 800 words, and bloggers should be committed to writing at least one blog every two months, although more frequently is preferred.  

To Submit an Article or Blog

Please email your submission to and include a brief biography. Also, note whether the piece you are submitting has been published online, in a print journal, book, or elsewhere. Feel free to send us a first draft, or even a proposal or beginning of an article so we can give you feedback as to whether it is in the ballpark of something we'd be interested in.

Review Process publishes articles on a monthly basis, and accepts submissions year round. We appreciate all inquiries and submissions to, as it gives us a feel for what is of interest to our viewers and colleagues. Your article or proposal will be reviewed by our staff editors and outside consultants for relevance, quality, style, content and fit for We will contact you by email to let you know we received it, then again after reviewing to let you know if it is accepted, if further review or changes are needed, or if we are passing on it. Only a select number of articles are published each month. All articles are subject to editing through email with your cooperation and approval. Several revisions via email are usually required for accepted articles. The feedback we have received from our authors is that the editing process is a rewarding and collaborative one which results in a higher quality final article.

Compensation for Writers

We compensate our contributors with credit for our videos and/or continuing education courses. Although we don't pay in U.S. currency, we are the first and only organization to pay in PsychCoin™, known as the "Bitcoin for Psychotherapists." As of January 1, 2018, 1 Bitcoin = 1 U.S. Dollar for all purchases on the website.

Writers of accepted articles are given 468 PsychCoins ( = $468 credit), which coincidentally is the same price for one year of our new and improved Unlimited Plan which gives you access to our over 300 videos plus 20 CE credits; Bloggers will also get one free year of our Unlimited Plan after they have written 2 blogs.

Who Reads

Professional psychotherapists of all stripes read, including counselors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, undergrad and grad students, nurses, professors, teachers, educational professionals, and anyone else interested in psychotherapy, counseling, and addictions work. People read our articles and interviews to get ideas for their clinical practice, to get in touch with new developments in the field, as part of a class, for enjoyment and knowledge, and even for continuing education credit.

Please contact us if you have questions about submitting your work to

Feedback from our Authors

"Writing for has been an extremely positive experience. The editorial process was supportive and collaborative, and helped me polish my writing. It has been gratifying to hear from readers who enjoyed my article, and a number of new professional opportunities have resulted from this publication."
     - Jeff Sharp, PhD, Author of Lessons from the Depths: Scuba Diving and Psychotherapy with Men

"Having done a lot of writing and worked with a many editors, I found that working with was pleasant and easy.  Their expectations were clear from the outset, and edits were excellent.  I would highly recommend writing for them, and would especially encourage newer authors to do so, as the guidance and expectations are a welcome experience in an ever complicated world of writing."
    — Tamara McClintock Greenberg, PsyD, MS, Author of  Psychotherapy with Medically Ill Patients: Hope in the Trenches

"Writing for has been a great process and I thoroughly enjoyed working with the editors. I am very pleased and it inspires me to write even more. Thanks for the opportunity."
     — Lisa Mitchell, MFT, ATR, Author of The Whole Truth: Coping Creatively with the Dark Side of Therapeutic Practice

"It has been a great experience to write an article and blog for As a new author, I have felt warmly welcomed and supported by the editorial staff. This opportunity to increase my online presence has also helped me to build and market my practice."
— Catherine Ambrose, MSS, LCSW