All Articles & Interviews…

H2O Under the Bridge: A Case of Trichotillomania

by Elias Aboujaoude
Dr. Aboujaode provides an engaging and informative account of hair-pulling, in this exclusive excerpt from his book, Compulsive Acts: A Psychiatrist's Tales of Ritual and Obsession.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Getting Off to a Powerful Start in Couples Therapy

by Ellyn Bader
Dr. Bader, a renowned couples therapist, gives an overview of essential first steps in therapy with every couple.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Transforming the Wounds of Racism: An Autoethnographic Exploration and Implications for Psychotherapy

by Saira Bains
A therapist explores her experiences of racism by investigating her family's history of racist trauma, and shares how autoethnography can help therapists disentangle their own experiences with racism so they can more openly engage painful areas of the client's story.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

The Family Research Project: A Summary

by Stephanie Brown
Renowned substance-abuse specialist Stephanie Brown discusses effective therapeutic interventions for families of alcoholics during the recovery process.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think: Bringing the Psychotherapeutic Engagement into the Living Moment

by James Bugental
In this exclusive excerpt from his book, renowned existential-humanistic psychologist Jim Bugental reflects on his philosophy of psychotherapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Shades of Gray: When a therapist and her client are survivors of child abuse

by Lisa Cassidy
When are we far enough down the path of our own healing that we can safely go back and help someone else along? A therapist shares the story of confronting this urgent question with a traumatized client suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Family Therapy with Families Facing Catastrophic Illness: Building Internal and External Resources

by Ellen Pulleyblank Coffey
Dr. Coffey discusses common challenges and interventions for families coping with terminal illness.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

A Crash Course in Psychotherapy: Moving through Anxiety and Self-Doubt

by Charlotte Dailey
A challenging client plunges a beginning therapist into a state of anxiety.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

"When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better": A New Mantra for Psychotherapists

by Barry Duncan, PhD and Scott Miller, PhD
Barry Duncan and Scott Miller provide a comprehensive summary of the Outcome-Informed, Client-Directed approach and a detailed, practical overview of its application in clinical practice.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Healing Trauma Through the Body: The Way In is the Way Out

by Ariel Giarretto
Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing Approach is brought to life in this in-depth case study of body oriented therapy.

Therapeutic Alliance, Focus, and Formulation: Thinking Beyond the Traditional Therapy Orientations

by Robert-Jay Green
The main elements of successful therapy include a positive therapeutic alliance, a clear focus, a coherent problem formulation, and improvised techniques—not a particular theoretical orientation.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Walking A Tightrope: Family Therapy with Adolescents and Their Families

by Kenneth V. Hardy
Hardy brings family therapy to life with this compelling and instructive case vignette of his work with an African-American family.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

In Search of Self: My Therapy with Rogers, Satir, Bugental, Polster, Yalom, & Maslow

by Deb Hammond
A psychotherapy student assembles her dream team for guidance toward self-actualization.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Weekends At Bellevue: A Memoir

by Julie Holland
A no-holds-barred account from the front lines of the psychiatric emergency room at America's oldest public hospital.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

My, How Couples Therapy has Changed! Attachment, Love and Science

by Sue Johnson
Renowned family therapist Sue Johnson discusses Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) in light of new research on attachment in adult love relationships.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Black and White Witchcraft: A Cultural Crossroads in Paris Inspires Therapeutic Innovation

by Tamar Kaim
An American psychology student reflects on her year of research at an ethnopsychiatric clinic in Paris, France.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

A Psychotherapist's Guide to Facebook and Twitter: Why Clinicians Should Give a Tweet!

by Keely Kolmes
Dr. Kolmes offers firsthand insights into the uses of social media as a professional tool.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Self-Help Snake Oil and Self-Improvement Urban Legends

by Steven Kraus
A psychologist's skeptical look at the science (or lack thereof) behind much of the self-help industry,
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Therapist Mourns His Mother's Death: Being With Clients While Heartbroken

by Bob Livingstone
Therapist Bob Livingstone offers grieving therapists advice about the effects of mourning upon therapeutic practice.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Supershrinks: What is the secret of their success?

by Barry Duncan, PhD and Scott Miller, PhD
Clients of the best therapists improve at a rate at least 50-percent higher and drop out at a rate at least 50-percent lower than those of average clinicians. What is the key to superior performance?
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Resistant Clients: We've All Had Them; Here's How to Help Them!

by Clifton Mitchell
Encountering resistance is likely evidence that therapy is taking place. In fact, successful psychotherapy is highly related to increases in resistance, and low resistance corresponds with negative outcomes.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy in China: Western and Eastern Perspectives

by Stephen F. Myler, PhD & Hui Qi Tong, MD
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Hollywood on the Couch

by Dennis Palumbo
An entertaining look behind the the scenes of the entertainment industry.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Breaking Barriers to Doing Corporate Consulting

by Louis A. Perrott
"Today's most enterprising therapists are realizing that the most promising opportunities for new business lie outside of the healthcare system."
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

How To Be A Grown-up Even Around Your Own Parents

by Frank Pittman
People don't become grown-ups until they realize that their parents, however wonderful, were badly misinformed and sometimes stark, raving mad.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Clinical Wisdom: A Psychoanalyst Learns from his Mistakes

by Herbert Rabin
Dr. Rabin shares lessons culled from 40 years of psychotherapy teaching and practice.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Tao of Direction: Structure and Process in Clinical Supervision

by Jay Reeve
Therapist Jay Reeve offers advice on balancing structured, direct instruction and process-oriented exploration in supervision sessions with new therapists.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients

by Owen Renik
Renik argues that psychoanalysis must move beyond theory and focus instead on effectiveness.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy for Oppositional-Defiant Kids with Low Frustration Tolerance—and How to Help Their Parents, Too

by David Rice
Dr. Rice offers a new perspective on oppositional-defiant children based on temperament, and suggests effective therapeutic interventions for both parent and child.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Path to Wholeness: Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

by Natalie Rogers
Therapist Natalie Rogers shares an overview of this growing field of humanistic psychotherapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Family Therapy and Resistant Parents: The Child Cannot Wait

by Leon Rosenberg
When do we shift from trying to work within the parent-child relationship to seeing the child as a separate entity needing to cope with a destructive parent?
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Man with the Beautiful Voice

by Lillian B. Rubin
Lillian Rubin's moving account of her challenging psychotherapy with a man struggling with his disability. Reprinted from the book of the same title.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Lessons from the Depths: Scuba Diving and Psychotherapy with Men

by Jeff Sharp
An insightful look into working with typical male concerns in therapy, including pride, shame, armoring, and competitiveness.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Tyranny of Niceness: A Psychotherapeutic Challenge

by Evelyn Sommers
Dr. Sommers discusses the prevalent problem of cultural silencing called "niceness," and offers case studies and advice for addressing associated client issues of anxiety and helplessness.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

When the Therapist Leaves: A Personal Account of an Unusual Termination

by Amy Urdang
A psychotherapist explores client-therapist boundaries and termination issues in a particularly intensive course of therapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Emotional Flashback Management in the Treatment of Complex PTSD

by Pete Walker
Pete Walker provides a convincing argument for the recognition and proper treatment of emotional flashbacks and complex PTSD, which result from childhood neglect and emotional abuse.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death

by Irvin Yalom
In this exclusive excerpt from his latest book, Irvin Yalom delves into the ultimate existential concern, and how therapists can help clients in facing death anxiety. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy with Medically Ill Patients: Hope in the Trenches

by Tamara McClintock Greenberg
Working with clients who are medically ill not only requires us to learn more about the seemingly distant and disembodied relational aspects of medicine, but also forces us to confront painful existential realities on a daily basis.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

What Do We Believe and Whom Do We Trust?

by Jeffrey Kottler
We all know that clients may withhold critical information, but what do we do when they deliberately lie? Jeffrey Kottler explores this in an excerpt from his latest book, The Assassin and the Therapist: An Exploration of Truth in Psychotherapy and in Life.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Psychiatric Repression of Thomas Szasz: Its Social and Political Significance

by Ron Leifer
Psychiatrist Ron Leifer gives a compelling account of the historical context of Thomas Szasz's career as the leading critic of the medical model of psychiatry, along with its implications for the profession of psychiatry and for free thought and speech in the United States.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

How Therapists Fail: Why Too Many Clients Drop Out of Therapy Prematurely

by Bernard Schwartz, PhD and John Flowers, PhD
If we could learn from all of our less-than-optimal therapy outcomes, we'd really acquire some true clinical wisdom.  Here are some practical tips to increase your odds of success.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

It's Over Now: Termination and Countertransference

by Melissa Groman
A therapist explores the complex feelings that arise when a client terminates abruptly.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Working in the Here-and-Now of the Therapeutic Relationship

by Nancy Gunzberg
Working in the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship requires therapists to be fully engaged, and take risks in revealing themselves. But utilizing the transference and counter-transference makes for rewarding and powerful therapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Gossamer Thread: My Life as a Psychotherapist

by John Marzillier
Using three different case studies with clients, a British therapist describes his personal journey from his early career as a behavioral psychologist, to his later years, where he embraced a more intuitive and reflective psychodynamic approach.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy with Former Cult Members

by Patrick O'Reilly
A specialist in cults discusses a real-life example of a former cult member's struggle to recover from his traumatic experiences within the group, and offers treatment advice for this unusual and challenging population.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Whole Truth: Coping Creatively with the Dark Side of Therapeutic Practice

by Lisa Mitchell
A therapist reflects upon the dark side of the profession—stress, anxiety, and burnout—and offers helpful insights as well as activities for combating these negative states using professional community building and art making.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Assessing Partner Abuse in Couples Therapy

by Albert Dytch
Learn how to spot the often subtle signs of partner abuse in couples therapy, and how to take effective action. This article includes the author's Abusive Behavior Inventory as a free download.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy with Older Adults: Unjustified Fears, Unrecognized Rewards

by George Kraus
A geriatric clinical psychologist debunks the stereotypes about working with elderly populations, and shares his discovery of the joy and gratitude that come from intimate contact with wise elders.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Motivational Interviewing in End-of-Life Care

by Ellen Young
A social work intern grapples with a situation that would challenge even an experienced clinician: helping a loving wife decide whether to stop feeding her dying husband of 64 years.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Grief and Gratitude: Working with Stroke Survivors

by Carol Howard Wooton, MFT & Gwyn Fallbrooke
After suffering from a stroke herself, a therapist recounts her journey from patient to professional, culminating in her leading  groups for other stroke survivors.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Anxiety Disorder Game

by Reid Wilson
Anxiety Disorder expert Reid Wilson, PhD, offers a unique twist on traditional cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders. 
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart

by Tara Brach
Clinical Psychologist and Buddhism expert Tara Brach, PhD, shares her insights about working with pain and suffering, meeting our edge and softening, and the simple but profound technique she uses with clients to bring mindful awareness into their daily lives.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

The Tao of Anger Management: A Yield Theory Approach

by Christian Conte
Anger management expert, Christian Conte, PhD, describes his unique and highly effective approach to teaching and counseling violent offenders.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Transforming War Trauma: The Healing Power of Community

by Joseph Bobrow
Psychoanalyst and Zen master, Joseph Bobrow, PhD, describes his groundbreaking work providing healing retreats for traumatized veterans and their families. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Embracing Your Demons: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

by Russell Harris
ACT trainer Russell Harris distills the essential components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into a simple framework, with case studies to help illustrate the theory and practice of ACT.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Our Hungry Selves: Women, Eating and Identity

by Kim Chernin
Famed feminist and psychotherapist, Kim Chernin, discusses her work with women, body image and eating disorders over the past 40 years. Not surprisingly, eating disorders are at an all time high in our culture. She discusses what has changed and what seemingly never will.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychiatry by the Dumpster: One Man's Struggle with OCD

by Elias Aboujaoude
Psychiatrist and OCD specialist Elias Aboujaoude gives a poignant account of one man's struggles with severe OCD and his journey to recovery.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Infertility on Both Sides of the Couch

by Wendy Iglehart
A psychotherapist treats a client struggling with infertility while facing it herself.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Paradise Lost: When Clients Commit Suicide

by Marian Joyce*
A psychologist describes the trauma of losing a patient to suicide.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving

by Pete Walker
In this excerpt from his newly-released book, Pete Walker offers therapists an accessible, compassionate and refreshingly de-pathologizing framework for treating clients whose childhood abuse and neglect have created lifelong suffering and instability.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships

by Sue Johnson
In this excerpt from her most recent book, Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships, EFT founder Sue Johnson offers tools for couples and their therapists to repair wounded bonds and navigate the cycles of disconnection and reconnection that can make—or break—relationships.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy with Alien Beings: Cultural Competence (and Incompetence) in Psychotherapy Practice

by Laura Brown
Psychologist Laura Brown critiques the limited and limiting methods so often used in psychotherapy training programs to promote cultural competence, and offers a model of intersectionality and integration that honors the full complexity of modern identities—including those of psychotherapists.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

After the Diagnosis: Helping Patients Cope With their Emotions

by Gary McClain
Psychotherapist Gary McClain discusses the importance of understanding clients' reactions to new diagnoses, the three main responses they have, and advocating for them with healthcare providers.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Psychotherapy with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Clients

by Karisa Barrow
With attempted suicide rates greater than 40% in the transgender community, it's important for clinicians to be aware of the issues gender nonconforming clients bring to therapy, and to be knowledgeable about how best to support them. Karisa Barrow challenges therapists to deconstruct the gender binary, identify and work through prejudices, and seek guidance from gender specialists to ensure that we "do no harm."
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

What Remains: The Aftermath of Patient Suicide

by Margaret Clausen
Psychologist Margaret Clausen shares poignantly about the loss of her client to suicide,  the steps she took to heal her grief, and the isolation and shame that many clinicians needlessly suffer in the wake of client suicide.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Losing Faith: Arguing for a New Way to Think About Therapy

by Scott Miller
Psychologist Scott Miller, who has spent years researching what works in psychotherapy, details the dark days after losing his faith in the profession, and his long journey back to loving and believing in his vocation once again.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Whiteness Matters: Exploring White Privilege, Color Blindness and Racism in Psychotherapy

by Margaret Clausen
Explore White privilege in the psychology profession and the importance of confronting it with education, curiosity & humility.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Bad Therapy: When Firing Your Therapist Is Therapeutic

by Charlotte Fox Weber
Therapist Charlotte Fox Weber describes an agonizing 5-year therapy as the client of a cold and withholding therapist, and the lessons she learned about what NOT to do with her own clients.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

If You Kill Yourself, Don’t Make a Mess: Paradoxical Intention with a Suicidal Client

by Dan Williams
In this raw but compelling clinical vignette, therapist Dan Williams uses paradoxical intention in an all-out effort to save his client from committing suicide.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Drug Dealer, MD: How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why It’s So Hard to Stop

by Anna Lembke
In this excerpt from Anna Lembke's book, Drug Dealer, MD, she illustrates the dangers early access to prescription opioids can have even for kids who are not at high risk for addiction.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

How to Master the Art of Developing Your Therapeutic Voice

by Michael Alcee
Effective psychotherapy requires that the clinician find their true voice, much like the artists’ journey.

Treating the Compulsive Personality: Transforming Poison into Medicine

by Gary Trosclair
Helping clients with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may seem like an uphill battle. Get tools for increasing your efficacy with these often misunderstood clients.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Long-Term Psychotherapy and BPD, Part 2: A Dialogue on Trust

by Daniel X. Harris and Trish Thompson
Return to the intriguing therapeutic dialogue between Trish and Anne as they deepen bonds of trust, using humor and their unique relationship for healing and growth.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Confusion of Tongues

by Galit Atlas
Therapists working with abuse survivors will learn invaluable lessons about the intergenerational transmission of trauma in this powerful excerpt from Galit Atlas’ Emotional Inheritance.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Keeping or Ending Commitments, Excerpted from The Ethical Lives of Clients: Transcending Self-Interest in Psychotherapy

by William J. Doherty
In this excerpt from The Ethical Lives of Clients: Transcending Self-Interest in Psychotherapy, William Doherty helps therapists address their client’s relational ethical dilemmas.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Healing Conversations: Giving Life to the Life of a Person Who Died by Suicide*

by Linda Moxley-Haegert
A compassionate therapist gently and skillfully guides suffering parents through the shadow of their son’s suicide.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Deciding How to Die: Narrative Therapy in Palliative Care with Someone Considering Stopping Dialysis

by Sasha McAllum Pilkington
Working with dying clients demands that clinicians honor their choices and desires in end-of-life care.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Don Clark on Psychotherapy with Gay Clients

by Ruth Wetherford
Don Clark, the first openly gay psychologist provides thoughtful pointers on what all psychotherapists should know when working gays clients.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Edna Foa on Prolonged Exposure Therapy

by Keith Sutton
Edna Foa discusses Prolonged Exposure Therapy for the treatment of PTSD, OCD, and other anxiety disorders.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Insoo Kim Berg on Brief Solution-Focused Therapy

by Bart Rubin and Victor Yalom
The founder of Brief Solution-Focused Therapy discusses why she stopped killing rats, how she developed her unique style of doing therapy, and what she has learned along the way.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Larry Beutler on Science and Psychotherapy

by Hui Qi Tong
Larry Beutler discusses how to incorporate scientific findings into psychotherapy practice and teaching, and what horse training has to do with any of this.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

James Bugental on Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy

by Victor Yalom
The late existential-humanistic psychotherapist James Bugental reflects on his life and work. His insistence on therapist and client presence predated the current interest in mindfulness and psychotherapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Nick Cummings on the Past and Future of Psychotherapy

by Victor Yalom
The founder of the first professional school of psychology, visionary, and gadfly Nick Cummings reflects on the history and predicts the future of psychotherapy.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

John Gottman on Couples Therapy

by Randall C. Wyatt
The preeminent couples therapy researcher John Gottman discusses what works in couples therapy, what makes for happy marriages, and what he learned from his own marriage.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Kenneth V. Hardy on Multiculturalism and Psychotherapy

by Randall C. Wyatt
Hardy discusses diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice in psychotherapy...and how he was trained to be a "pretty good white therapist."
Earn 2.50 CE Credits

Susan Heitler on Couples Therapy

by Randall C. Wyatt
Susan Heitler outlines how she integrates conflict resolution techniques into couples therapy, the importance of intervening quickly, and what she means by being "pro-marriage."
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Michael Hoyt on Brief and Narrative Therapy

by Victor Yalom
Hoyt discusses brief and narrative therapy, working within managed care, and why some stories are better than others.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Otto Kernberg on Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

by Chanda Rankin
Legendary psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg discusses psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and his research on the treatment of personality disorders from an object relations perspective.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Ron Kurtz on the Hakomi Method

by Serge Prengel
Ron Kurtz discusses his Hakomi Method, a powerful approach which incorporates somatic awareness and mindfulness.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Ronald Levant on Psychotherapy with Men

by Randall C. Wyatt
Former APA president Ron Levant discusses psychotherapy and the psychology of men, and the limitations of manualized and evidence based treatment.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Madeline Levine on Psychotherapy with Adolescents

by Keith Sutton
Learn from adolescent psychotherapy expert, Madeline Levine, the challenges and rewards of working with teens. CE credits available.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

by Victor Yalom
Renowned expert Donald Meichenbaum discusses Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), treatment for trauma, and the search for expert psychotherapists.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Zerka Moreno on Psychodrama

by Victor Yalom
Zerka discusses the essentials of psychodrama theory and technique, as well as her life and work with her late husband Jacob Moreno.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Augustus Napier on Experiential Family Therapy

by Rebecca Aponte
Author of The Family Crucible, Gus Napier, reflects on his family therapy work and conveys his insights from the Experiential Therapy model.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Frank Pittman on Growing Up and Taking Responsibility

by Victor Yalom
Renowned psychiatrist and family therapist Frank Pittman minces no words about his no-nonsense approach to psychotherapy, his love of movies, and why therapists shouldn't be neutral.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Ernest Rossi on Mind-Body Therapy

by Rebecca Aponte
Ernest Rossi reflects on his personal journey from psychoanalyst to hypnotherapist and explores new frontier of mind and body research.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Thomas Szasz on Freedom and Psychotherapy

by Randall C. Wyatt
The foremost psychiatric critic of our times, Thomas Szasz, engages in an in-depth dialogue of his life's work including freedom and liberty, the myth of mental illness, drug laws, the fragile state of psychotherapy, and his passion for humanistic values and social justice.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Dan Wile on Collaborative Couples Therapy

by Ruth Wetherford
The founder of Collaborative Couples Therapy discusses the power of negative thinking, the pleasure of being non-defensive, and other strategies for effective couples therapy.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Irvin Yalom on Existential Psychotherapy and Death Anxiety

by Ruthellen Josselson
Irvin Yalom reflects on instrumental moments in his career as a psychotherapist and writer. This excerpt from his biography, Psychotherapy and the Human Condition, begins with him recalling his first case presentation in medical school.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Michael Yapko on Psychotherapy and Hypnosis for Depression

by Rafal Mietkiewicz
Michael Yapko discusses the keys of successful psychotherapy and treatment for depression, including the use of metaphors and hypnosis.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Stephanie Brown on Treating Addictions in Psychotherapy

by Randall C. Wyatt and Victor Yalom
Stephanie Brown discusses treating alcoholism, chemical dependency and other addictions in psychotherapy.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Lisa Firestone on Psychotherapy with Suicidal Clients

by Rebecca Aponte and Victor Yalom
Lisa Firestone shares what every therapist should know about how dissociation and suicidal thought patterns influence suicide and self-harm.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits

Mardi Horowitz on Psychotherapy Research and Happiness

by Rebecca Aponte and Victor Yalom
Mardi Horowitz discusses his research on psychotherapy for stress and trauma, his recent book on happiness, and what therapists can teach their clients about attaining it.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Jeffrey Kottler on Being a Therapist

by Rebecca Aponte and Victor Yalom
Prolific writer, professor and psychologist Jeffrey Kottler imparts his wisdom and a healthy dose of humor, curiosity and unflinching honesty about the therapist's actual experience in the room with cilents.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Hanna Levenson on Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy

by Randall C. Wyatt and Victor Yalom
Dr. Levenson lays out the principles for Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (TLDP), and discusses how to make every session count.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Peter Levine on Somatic Experiencing

by Marie-Helene Yalom and Victor Yalom
Master somatic therapist Peter Levine discusses the physiological origins of trauma, and how his Somatic Experiencing approach provides effective treatment.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Monica McGoldrick on Family Therapy

by Randall C. Wyatt and Victor Yalom
Renowned family therapist Monica McGoldrick reflects on the heyday of family therapy, the use of genograms, and the importance of culture, gender, and diversity.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Erving Polster on Gestalt Therapy

by Randall C. Wyatt and Victor Yalom
Gestalt Therapist and teacher extraordinaire discusses the origins of Gestalt Therapy, his encounters with Fritz Perls, the importance of making contact, and more.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Owen Renik on Practical Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

by Randall C. Wyatt and Victor Yalom
Renegade psychoanalyst Owen Renegade argues that psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy can and must be practical.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits

David Wallin on Attachment and Psychotherapy

by Randall C. Wyatt and Victor Yalom
Wallin delves deep into attachment and the therapeutic relationship, mindfulness, and self-disclosure.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Kenneth Doka on Grief Counseling and Psychotherapy

by Victor Yalom
A leading expert on grief counseling and therapy, discusses how understanding individual grieving styles is essential to grief counselors and all therapists helping clients deal effectively with loss.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Harry Aponte on Structural Family Therapy

by Rebecca Aponte
Aponte speaks passionately about the need to see individuals and families in the larger social context, and reflects on his encounters with Sal Minuchin, the role of spirituality in therapy, and the person of the therapist.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Mark Epstein on Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

by David Bullard
Psychiatrist and author Epstein discusses his introduction to mindfulness meditation, dealing with desire, disappointment, and more.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Nancy McWilliams on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

by Louis Roussel
The prolific psychoanalyst and psychologist discusses contemporary psychoanalytic practice, the state of the academy, and the importance for therapists to contribute to the greater community.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Alan Marlatt on Harm Reduction Therapy

by Rebecca Aponte and Victor Yalom
The founder of Harm Reduction Therapy talks about meditation, college drinking, 12-step programs, and the limitations of abstinence-only interventions.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Stan Tatkin on a Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy

by Ruth Wetherford
Dr. Tatkin discusses the goals and methods of a psychobiological approach to couples therapy, including its foundations in attachment theory and developmental neurobiology, and its emphasis on arousal regulation as a dyadic interaction.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Molyn Leszcz on Group Psychotherapy

by Victor Yalom
Molyn Leszcz, co-author (with Irvin Yalom) of the 5th edition of The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, discusses the core principles and techniques of this powerful but underutilized modality.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Frank Ochberg on Treating PTSD

by Rebecca Aponte
Dr. Ochberg, a leading PTSD and trauma specialist, discusses the Japan tsunami, veteran issues, Stockholm syndrome, therapist burnout, and the importance of a comprehensive treatment approach for trauma survivors.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Lonnie Barbach on Sex Therapy

by David Bullard
Renowned author, psychologist and sex therapist Lonnie Barbach discusses the early days of discovery in the human sexuality field, her pioneering work with preorgasmic women, and addressing sexual issues in individual and couples therapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Sue Johnson on Emotionally Focused Therapy

by Victor Yalom
Emotionally Focused Therapy founder Sue Johnson discusses the attachment underpinnings of EFT, the approach's core techniques, and the new science of love.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

James Gilligan on the Psychology and Treatment of Violent Offenders

by Rebecca Aponte
Renowned Harvard psychiatrist and violence expert James Gilligan offers insight into working with violent offenders in prison settings. Learn about the tragic childhood origins of violent behavior, as well as the fundamental principles of psychotherapeutic treatment of forensic clients.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits

Robin Rosenberg on Treating Eating Disorders

by Rebecca Aponte
A psychologist specializing in eating disorders discusses etiology, cultural factors, and treatment options for eating disordered clients and patients.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Violet Oaklander on Gestalt Therapy with Children

by Rafal Mietkiewicz
The founder of Gestalt therapy with children and adolescents discusses therapeutic relationship building with kids and teens, the unique rewards of introducing expressive arts therapy techniques, and the challenges of being sufficiently directive in working with children.  
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

John Arden on Brain-Based Therapy

by Rebecca Aponte
The outspoken author of Brain-Based Therapy discusses the value of integrating therapeutic approaches, including neuropsychology, nutrition, exercise, CBT, motivational interviewing, and the therapeutic alliance.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Esther Perel on Mating in Captivity

by Lori Schwanbeck
An unorthodox couples therapist discusses her multicultural, questioning approach to Western notions of romance, the enshrinement of the emotionally exclusive marital relationship, and how sex relates to intimacy and freedom.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Maria Gonzalez-Blue on Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

by Victor Yalom
An expressive arts therapist discusses the person-centered foundations of her work, and recounts transformative experiences with individual clients as well as in groups and international settings.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Cathy Cole on Motivational Interviewing

by Victor Yalom
An expert MI trainer and practitioner discusses the foundations and applications of Motivational Interviewing. Learn how MI can be used with clients struggling with addiction and PTSD, and get a sneak peek into the MI training process.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Paul Wachtel on Therapeutic Communication

by Ruth Wetherford
One of the leading voices in integrative thinking in the field of psychotherapy, and the author of Therapeutic Communication: What to Say When, Paul Wachtel argues passionately for avoiding the traps of rigid ideology and pseudoscience that continue to hold sway in our profession.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Philip Kendall on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

by Deb Kory
CBT scholar and expert Dr. Philip Kendall discusses the evolution of CBT theory over the years, his work with Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck and his empirically validated treatment program for kids and adolescents with anxiety.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Reid Wilson on Strategic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

by Victor Yalom
Leading anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson, PhD,  discusses strategic cognitive therapy and his paradoxical interventions and exposure techniques that target some of the most vexing and treatment-resistant anxiety disorders.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Philip Guerin on Bowenian Family Therapy

by Ruth Wetherford
Bowenian Family Therapy expert Dr. Philip Guerin discusses the origin and development of his family therapy theories and practices as well as his invention of the Genogram.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Tara Brach on Mindfulness, Psychotherapy and Awakening

by Deb Kory
Buddhist meditation teacher and clinical psychologist, Tara Brach, PhD, discusses her evolution as a clinical psychologist and spiritual teacher, the painful illness that inspired her latest book, her commitment to help heal the planet and to love life—no matter what.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Christian Conte on Anger Management

by Victor Yalom
Christian Conte, PhD, shares his passion for counseling violent offenders, the radical empathy techniques that help him overcome judgment, and his unique tools for working with some of the most marginalized people in our society.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Michael Lambert on Preventing Treatment Failures (and Why You're Not as Good as You Think)

by Tony Rousmaniere
Dr. Michael Lambert's groundbreaking work on tracking client outcomes has revealed a huge blindspot for psychotherapists: We don't notice when our patients are getting worse. But he's got the solution if you're willing to try something new.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Diana Fosha on Accelerated Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)

by Polly Ely
AEDP founder Diana Fosha discusses the journey that led her to create a new model of psychotherapy, the strong community support that ties the AEDP community together and how men have traditionally gotten a bum rap in couples therapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Steven Hayes on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

by Tony Rousmaniere
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) founder Steven Hayes discusses the history and evolution of ACT and its use as a force for social justice in our complex and pain-filled modern world. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Charles Mansueto on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

by Victor Yalom
OCD expert Charles Mansueto explains the fundamentals of evidence-based treatment of OCD and related disorders, as well as common misperceptions therapists have about the nature, course and effective treatment of OCD.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

George Silberschatz on Psychotherapy Research and Its Discontents

by David Bullard
Clinician and researcher George Silberschatz, PhD, discusses both the benefits and limitations of psychotherapy research, as well as its misuse by therapists marketing their services.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Jean McLendon on the Legacy of Virginia Satir

by Jay Lappin
A longtime trainee and friend of Virginia Satir, Jean McLendon shares stories of her early years in training, the tremendous influence Satir has had on the field psychotherapy, and her ongoing influence in the 21st century.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Scott Miller on Why Most Therapists Are Just Average (and How We Can Improve)

by Tony Rousmaniere
Scott Miller, expert researcher on what makes a good therapist, breaks down the difference between the masters and the rest of us.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

John Sommers-Flanagan on Clinical Interviewing and the Highly Unmotivated Client

by Victor Yalom
Clinical Interviewing expert, John Sommers-Flanagan, offers strategies for the initial stage of therapy and tips for engaging the resistant client.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Anita Barrows on Love, Poetry and Autism

by Deb Kory
Psychologist, poet, translator and autism specialist, Anita Barrows, PhD, shares about the pain that first led her to psychotherapy, the importance of bringing love into our work, her identity as a poet, and entering the world of autistic children.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Eduardo Duran on Psychotherapy with Native Americans

by Deb Kory
Native American psychologist Eduardo Duran shares his long road to finding a place for himself and other Native Americans in the field of psychology.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Thomas Moore on the Soul of Psychotherapy

by Deb Kory
Drawing upon his background in religion, psychology and the arts, Care of the Soul author, Thomas Moore, shares about the wisdom of creating a "psychotherapy of one's own."
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Brad Strawn on Integrating Religion and Psychotherapy

by Greg Arnold
Psychologist and Christian theologian, Brad Strawn, discusses the "new conversations" happening around the integration of religion and psychology, and the need for clinicians to work through their biases and fears about bringing religion into the therapy room, since "so many people believe in some kind of God."
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Bessel van der Kolk on Trauma, Development and Healing

by David Bullard
Internationally acclaimed clinician, educator and researcher Bessel van der Kolk, shares some observations from his 40-year passion for understanding and treating people who have experienced trauma.

Francine Shapiro on the Evolution of EMDR Therapy

by Ruth Wetherford
EMDR therapy originator Francine Shapiro describes the components of the psychotherapy and the latest research supporting its efficacy for a wide range of mental health issues.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Lynn Ponton on the Challenges and Joys of Working with Teens

by Rachel Zoffness
Teen expert Lynn Ponton, MD, shares wisdom from over three decades of working with children and adolescents, and describes how technology has changed the life of teenagers and those who work with them.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Heather Clague on Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Working with Society's Most Marginalized Populations

by Deb Kory
Psychiatrist and psychotherapist Heather Clague offers reflections on the difference between private psychotherapy practice and working in the psychiatric emergency room, how prescribing medication broadens psychotherapy, and the joy and heartache of working with those society is "happy to ignore."
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Gary Greenberg on the DSM and Its Woes

by Deb Kory
Psychotherapist and muckraking author, Gary Greenberg, shares the critical insights—and skepticism—that formed the basis of his two best-selling books, Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease and The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Thupten Jinpa on Fearless Compassion

by David Bullard
Dr. Thupten Jinpa's family escaped from Tibet to India when he was just a year old and he began his monastic life shortly thereafter. He has been the Dalai Lama's primary English interpreter and book editor for nearly 30 years and is the author most recently of, A Fearless Heart: How the Courage to Be Compassionate Can Transform Our Lives.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Ronald Siegel on Integrating Mindfulness into Psychotherapy

by Deb Kory
Mindfulness expert and psychotherapist, Ronald D. Siegel, shares his insights about how—and when—to integrate mindfulness practices into psychotherapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Allan Schore on the Science of the Art of Psychotherapy

by David Bullard
Psychologist Allan Schore shares his research on the neuroscientific underpinnings of psychotherapy, the art of integrating neuroscience and psychoanalysis, and recent scientific attempts to “find” the unconscious mind.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Brian McNeill on the Art of Supervision

by Greg Arnold
Psychologist and supervision expert Brian McNeill explains his developmental approach to supervision, the challenges that all therapists face while learning their craft, and what supervisors can and must do to support beginning therapists in navigating these challenges.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Spencer Niles on the Latest Developments in Career Counseling

by Greg Arnold
Career counseling expert, Spencer Niles, offers poignant insights from his more than three decades helping people find their calling.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Robert J. Lifton on Political Violence, Activism and Life as a Psycho-Historian

by Deb Kory
Famed psychiatrist, psycho-historian, writer and activist Robert J. Lifton talks about being a witness to an extreme century, combining scholarship with activism, the psychology of violence, and the next great threat to the planet: climate change.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Louis Cozolino on the Integration of Neuroscience into Psychotherapy—and its Limitations

by Sudhanva Rajagopal
Psychologist and neuroscience researcher Louis Cozolino describes the many twists, turns and theoretical orientations he's traversed in his over four decades in the field, the need for psychotherapists to be less passive, and the applications of neuroscience to psychotherapy both now and in the future.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Margo Maine on the Eating Disorder Epidemic Among Middle-Aged Women

by Deb Kory
Psychologist and eating disorder expert Margo Maine discusses the silent epidemic of eating disorders among middle-aged women, the collaborative feminist model she uses to treat them, and the limits of the medical model of treatment.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

William Richards on Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy and Mystical Experiences

by David Bullard
Psychologist William Richards discusses his research on psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for dying cancer patients, and the larger trends to legitimize research and use of psychedelics for alleviating suffering.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Tony Rousmaniere on Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists

by Victor Yalom
Psychotherapist and expert on experts, Tony Rousmaniere, explores the importance of "deliberate practice" (you know, what musicians and athletes do to master their crafts) for psychotherapists.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits

Bruce Wampold on What Actually Makes Us Good Therapists

by Greg Arnold
Expert clinician and researcher Bruce Wampold talks about his "contextual model" of psychotherapy which, rooted in the most comprehensive and up-to-date scientific research, incorporates the most effective elements across all therapy modalities.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Anna Lembke on the Opioid Epidemic

by Deb Kory
Psychiatrist and addiction expert Anna Lembke discusses the sharp rise in opioid addiction and deaths, the doctors who have enabled it, and what clinicians can do to help.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Eliana Gil on Play Therapy and Working with Traumatized Children

by Lawrence Rubin
Internationally recognized expert Eliana Gil discusses the therapeutic power of play and its use with children and teens impacted by trauma.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Allen Frances on the DSM-5, Mental Illness and Humane Treatment

by Lawrence Rubin
Best known for chairing the DSM-IV Task Force, renowned psychiatrist Allen Frances discusses flaws in the current diagnostic process, and how to mend our broken mental health delivery system. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Jose Rey on Psychotropic Medications: A Primer for Psychotherapists

by Lawrence Rubin
Pharmacologist Jose Rey shares crucial insights that psychotherapists need for discussing psychotropic drugs with both clients and prescribers. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

David Jobes on Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality

by Lawrence Rubin
Researcher and clinician David Jobes discusses what works and what doesn't when in the treatment of suicidal clients, and how to manage suicidality with his CAMS program.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Erica Anderson on Working Therapeutically Across the Gender Spectrum

by Lawrence Rubin
Transgender psychotherapist Erica Anderson shares her personal wisdom and clinical experience with therapists interested in working with clients across the gender spectrum.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Joseph Burgo on Shame, Narcissism and the Art of Empathy

by Lawrence Rubin
For psychotherapist Joseph Burgo, shame and narcissism are resources awaiting the delicate hand of the empathetic clinician.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Judith Grisel on Addiction, Neuroscience and Choice

by Lawrence Rubin
Neuroscientist Judith Grisel shares her research and wisdom on the impact of drugs on the brain and paths away from addiction.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Jay Lappin on Family Therapy—The Long View

by Lawrence Rubin
Veteran clinician, supervisor, educator and story-teller Jay Lappin reflects on the past, present and future of family therapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Daryl Chow on Reigniting Clinical Supervision

by Lawrence Rubin
Clinician, researcher and author Daryl Chow teaches us how to reignite the fire of supervision in order to improve client outcomes.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Barry Duncan on The Heart and Soul of Change

by Lawrence Rubin
Psychotherapist and researcher Barry Duncan discusses how routine outcome monitoring in treatment can harness client’s involvement and strengths to make lasting change.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

David Nylund on Narrative Therapy, Curiosity and Queertopia

by Lawrence Rubin
David Nylund takes us to the intersection of Narrative Therapy, subversion and a vision of queertopia.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Bret Moore on Military Psychology and Getting the Mission Done*

by Lawrence Rubin
Military psychologist and prescriber Bret Moore shares his rich trove of clinical insights and experiences earned during both peacetime and war.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Beverly Greene on Race, Racism and Psychotherapy

by Lawrence Rubin
Clinician, scholar, author, and advocate Beverly Greene shares her views and experiences at the intersection of race, racism, and psychotherapy.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits

Anastasia Piatakhina Giré on Teletherapy, Borders and Building Bridges

by Lawrence Rubin
Multinational, multilingual therapist Anastasia Piatakhina Giré teaches us how she builds bridges and connections with displaced clients through teletherapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Russell Siler Jones on Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy

by Lawrence Rubin
 If you have wondered how to integrate spirituality into psychotherapy, our interview with Russell Siler Jones will be enlightening.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Jessica Stone on Play Therapy in the Digital Age

by Lawrence Rubin
Crossing the digital divide with young clients can lead to great therapeutic strides.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Laurie Helgoe on the Power and Challenges of Introversion

by Lawrence Rubin
Explore common misconceptions clinicians often have about introverts and how to help your introverted clients find the strengths intrinsic to their “inner laboratories.” 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Jude Austin on Wisdom for Counseling Students and Educators

by Lawrence Rubin
Counselor educator/clinician Jude Austin offers wisdom and survival tips for both student and teacher from the trenches of graduate school.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Russell Ramsay on Attending to ADHD in Adulthood

by Lawrence Rubin
 Improve your transdiagnostic outcomes by paying attention to ADHD during the assessment and treatment of adult clients. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Stefani Goerlich on Becoming a Kink-Affirming Therapist

by Lawrence Rubin
Becoming a kink-affirming therapist is critical to practicing in a diverse clinical arena.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Thomas Insel on Science, Zip Code, and Future-Proofing Psychotherapy

by Lawrence Rubin
Neuroscience has unlocked many mysteries about the nature of mental health and illness, says former NIMH chief Thomas Insel, but now must yield to effective psychological and social interventions.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Brooke Sheehan on Psychotherapy Behind Bars

by Lawrence Rubin
Psychotherapists working either within or outside of prison walls can learn important lessons for helping currently and previously incarcerated clients from Brooke Sheehan.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Stephen Schueller on the Power and Promise of Mental Health Apps

by Lawrence Rubin
Mental health apps offer many promises, but there are warning signs to be heeded.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Victor Yalom on Psychotherapy and the Pursuit of Mastery

by Lawrence Rubin’s founder, entrepreneur, artist, and psychotherapist Victor Yalom shares insights learned and applied from working with the masters.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits

Travis Heath on Psychotherapy as an Act of Rebellion

by Lawrence Rubin
Join’s editor Lawrence Rubin in a fascinating conversation with clinician/educator/author Dr. Travis Heath as they deconstruct and rebuild the practice of psychotherapy. 
Earn 1.25 CE Credits

Is Private Equity Coming for Your Therapy Practice? An Interview with Joe Bavonese

by Lawrence Rubin
Joe Bavonese discusses the potential implications of private equity investments in therapy practices and offers tips on how therapists and counselors can be prepared.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits