The Zerka T. Moreno Psychodrama Series (3-Video Series)

The Zerka T. Moreno Psychodrama Series (3-Video Series)

with Zerka Moreno
Learn psychodrama from one of the great masters, the wife of psychodrama founder J.L. Moreno.  This action-oriented method can often yield powerful results more quickly than traditional talk therapy.
Psychodrama in Action

Psychodrama in Action

with Zerka Moreno
Psychodrama in Action shows Zerka masterfully conducting an actual psychodrama session with a group of experienced psychodrama practitioners. 

Jacob Levy Moreno: His Life and his Muses

Jacob Levy Moreno: His Life and his Muses

with Jacob Moreno
Chock full of interviews with some of the most important people in J.L. Moreno’s life, this video will be a treat for Moreno fans, old and new alike. 
Moreno Movies: 4-Video Series

Moreno Movies: 4-Video Series

with Jacob Moreno
See actual historical footage of J.L. Moreno conducting Psychodrama sessions!  This series has been painstakingly reassembled from film from Moreno's production company, and is a treat for students, fans, and practitioners of Psychodrama.
Psychodrama of a Marriage (around 1948)

Psychodrama of a Marriage (around 1948)

with Jacob Moreno
See the legendary founder of psychodrama in action in this painstaking restored historic footage.
Psychodrama of a Marriage: A Motion Picture

Psychodrama of a Marriage: A Motion Picture

with Jacob Moreno
This movie was shot in Paris during the First International Congress of Psychodrama. It was produced by Radio and Television Center of France in September, 1964.
Psychodrama in Action, 1960s

Psychodrama in Action, 1960s

with Jacob Moreno
This movie takes place in a mental hospital in California; it was produced in the 1960's when Moreno was touring the state.
Psychodrama, Sociometry and Beyond

Psychodrama, Sociometry and Beyond

with Zerka Moreno
Zerka Moreno discusses sociometry and its uses around the world.

Zerka on Psychodrama

Zerka on Psychodrama

with Zerka Moreno
In this candid interview, Zerka Moreno distills the essence of psychodrama, its history and application.

Zerka Moreno on Psychodrama

Zerka Moreno on Psychodrama

Zerka discusses the essentials of psychodrama theory and technique, as well as her life and work with her late husband Jacob Moreno.